Is simply a portrayal of life. The attention focused on the bonds between Love, Life, Feelings, Nature and all the world's stage in MoMeMa's eyes.
***Create, Encourage, Live, Enjoy, Love, Laugh, Empower***
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Today's Quote
To live is to think.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
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An angel has arrived in Heaven!

Dear Friends of "Inspire Others",

I've been away from my blog this couple of weeks. Last Tuesday January 18, 2011 my dear Grandmother, Iluminada Trinidad of 88yrs. old has passed away comfortably and peacefuly at my aunt's home. She had left us with many childhood and adult memories and She will be deeply missed!. She's with God and united with my Grandfather, Pedro J. Martinez.
On Monday January 24, 2011 will be here burial, where all her family and friends will come together to celebrate and remembering.  Thank you for all your positive thoughts and prayers towards me and my family.!
Please take a moment to look up at the sky and say a prayers for her!
"She's so Beautiful"
I'll help you "Abuelita"! 
Digital Art by MoMeMa
featuring; My Daughter and My Grandmother


Una lágrima se evapora,
una flor sobre mi tumba se marchita,
mas una oracion por mi alma la recoge Dios.

No lloréis, amados mios. Voy a unirme con Dios y
los espero en el cielo.
Yo muero, pero mi amor no muere,
yo os amare en el cielo como los he amado en la tierra.

A todos los que me habéis querido,
os pido que roguéis por mi,
que es la mayor prueba de cariño.

San Agustin


  1. This is heartfelt MoMeMa and and a precious tribute to your grandmother
    Please accept my two arm around you during this difficult time.....
    I wish you much strenght and my heart and my prayers go out to you.

    Rian from Holland

  2. Thank you Rian,
    for all your beautiful thoughts and for taking the time to visit my blog.
    Big Hug,


Thank You for stopping by and hope you had enjoy your visit!
Your inspiring comments make me smile and inspires me to create everyday.
Happy Creating,

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